Install a GoDaddy SSL certificate

Generate certificate for GoDaddy:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out 2048
openssl req -new -key -out

Give to GoDaddy the contain of

Then you’ll receive a mail on the administrative contact of the domain mail address.
After that you’ll receive from GoDaddy a zip file containing the cert, in our example

If you set up a pass when you’ve created the cert file and you want to get rid of it here is how you can remove the pass:

Always backup the original key first (just in case)!

 # cp www.sample.key www.sample.key.orig

Then unencrypt the key with openssl. You’ll need the passphrase for the decryption process:

 # openssl rsa -in www.sample.key -out new.sample.key

Now copy the new.key to the www.key file and you’re done. Next time you restart the web server, it should not prompt you for the passphrase.


Then place the key and crt file into /etc/pki/tls/cets

mv /etc/pki/tls/certs/
mv /etc/pki/tls/certs/

Make sure that nobody other then root can access those files:

chmod 0600 /etc/pki/tls/certs/
chmod 0600 /etc/pki/tls/certs/

Configuring apache:

Install mod_ssl for apache:

yum install mod_ssl

Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf according to this:

#SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/
#SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/
Add document root wich should contain the dir where your webfiles are stored:

DocumentRoot /virtual/web/sites/shared/

Add Directory wich should contain path to your web files:
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Then restart the apache:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart or service httpd restart

Next you need to force http request to https. In order to do that create a .htaccess file inside your web dir containing:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} =80
RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI}

Volume Manager CLI examples

display disk listings:

# vxdisk list

display volume manager object listings

# vxprint -ht

display free space in a disk group

# vxdg -g <diskgroup> free

list all volume manager tasks currently running on the system

# vxtask list

add a disk to Volume Manager (devicename = cXtXdX) (prompt driven)

# vxdiskadd <devicename>

designate/remove a disk as a hot-relocation spare

# vxedit set spare=on <diskname>

# vxedit set spare=off <diskname>

rename a disk

# vxedit rename <old_diskname> <new_diskname>

reserve/unreserve a disk (space won’t be allocated unless specifically mentioned in vxassist)

# vxedit set reserve=on <diskname>

# vxedit set reserve=off <diskname>

take a disk offline (first remove the disk from its disk group) (devicename=cXtXdXs2)

#vxdisk offline <devicename>

remove a disk

(first, stop any applications associated with the volume,
unmount the volume, stop the volume,
if you need the data on the disk, move the volumes to another disk or back up volume)

–removing the disk from its disk group:

# vxdg -g <diskgroup> rmdisk <diskname>

–remove the disk from volume manager control (devicename=cXtXdXs2)

# vxdisk rm <devicename>

display multipath information

# vxdisk list <diskname>

create a disk group

(see ‘add a disk to volume manager – if the group does not exist, you will be prompted)

upgrade a disk group

–list disk group version

# vxdg list <diskgroup>

–upgrade disk group to highest version currently running

# vxdg upgrade <diskgroup>

destroy a disk group

# vxdg destroy <diskgroup>

display disk group information

# vxdg list

# vxdg list <diskgroup>

move a disk group

(stop any applications associated with all volumes in the disk group,
unmount and stop all volumes in the disk group:

–deport (disable local access) the disk group to be moved on first system

# vxdg deport <diskgroup>

–import (enable local access) the disk group and its disks from the second system

# vxdg import <diskgroup>

–start all volumes in the disk group on the second system

# vxrecover -g <diskgroup> -sb

or # vxvol -g <diskgroup> startall

estimating maximum volume size (any_valid_type = raid5, stripe, mirror)

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> maxsize layout=<any_valid_type>

create a concatenated volume (length examples = 15g, 15m)

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> make <volumename> <length> <diskname> <diskname>

create a striped volume (length examples = 15g, 15m)

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> make <volumename> <length> layout=stripe <diskname>

create a raid5 volume (without logging) (length examples = 15g, 15m)

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> make <volumename> <length> layout=raid5,nolog <diskname>
<diskname> <diskname> <diskname>

create a raid5 volume (with logging) (length examples = 15g, 15m)

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> make <volumename> <length> layout=raid5,log <diskname>
<diskname> <diskname> <diskname>

create a mirrored volume (without DRL) (length examples = 15g, 15m)

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> make <volumename> <length> layout=mirror,nolog <diskname>

create a mirrored volume (with DRL) (length examples = 15g, 15m)

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> make <volumename> <length> layout=mirror,log <diskname>

mirror an existing volume

# vxassist mirror <volumename> <diskname_of_disk_to_be_mirrored>

mirror all volumes within a disk group

# vxmirror -g <diskgroup> -a

mirror the root (boot) disk

EEPROM variable “use-nvramrc?” must be set to true

# vxrootmir -v <medianame>

remove a mirror (use ‘vxprint -g <diskgroup> -ht’ to get plexname)

# vxplex -o rm dis <plexname>

add a log to an existing volume

# vxassist addlog <volumename> <diskname>

remove a log from an existing volume

# vxassist remove log <volumename>

create a raid 0+1 volume (without DRL)

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> make <volumename> <length> layout=mirror-stripe,nolog
nmirror=# nstripe=# <diskname> <diskname> <diskname>

create a raid 1+0 volume (without DRL)

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> make <volumename> <length> layout=stripe-mirror,nolog
nmirror=# nstripe=# <diskname> <diskname> <diskname>

resize a volume

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> growto <volumename> <length>

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> growby <volumename> <length>

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> shrinkto <volumename> <length>

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> shrinkby <volumename> <length>

estimate how much a volume can grow

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> maxgrow <volumename>

remove a volume

(stop all applications associated with the volume,
unmount volume (remove /etc/vfstab entry))

–stop volume

# vxvol stop <volumename>

— remove volume (for raid 1+0, use ‘rf-rm’)

# vxedit -r rm <volumename>

or # vxassist remove volume <volumename>

change the volume read policy

# vxvol rdpol <policy> <volumename>

# vxvol rdpol prefer <volumename> <preferred_plex_name>

change volume attributes

# vxedit set <field>=<value> <volumename>

resize a filesystem (ufs cannot be shrunk, only grown)

# vxresize -g <diskgroup> <volumename> + <size>
# vxresize -g <diskgroup> <volumename> – <size>

join subdisks (must be in the order of offset on disks)

# vxsd join <subdisk> <subdisk> <subdisk>